Digipack CD Like strokes of inspiration, exquisite guitar melodies weave a fluent plethora of moods and emotions, showcasing a heavy classical influence. Undulant blast beats and biting screams serve as a counterpoint to pristine atmospheres and ethereal choirs, an obstinate reminder of the finite nature of man and his creations. Here at the onset of…
01. Swarm02. Synthetic Pathogenesis03. Mechanisms of Omniscience04. Catalyst of Metamorphosis05. Vigilant Ignorance06. Irreversible07. Hopeless Masses08. Assimilation09. Cymatic Hallucinations10. Consuming Infinity The fertile east coast death metal scene has poured forth some seriously formidable bands over the last decade, but there are few that can match the sheer visceral power and razor sharp songwriting skills of…
After over a decade bringing about a trail of death and destruction in their path, ABOLISHMENT OF FLESH at last release their debut full-length album, The Inhuman Condition. This long awaited full-length contains 11 tracks of extreme death metal packed with heavy riffs, exceptional composition, and monster vocals. This violent cut of Texas Extreme Death…
Digipak with 12 page booklet. Formed in Oslo in the fall of 2016, and founded on the pillars of the 80s and 90s avant-garde rockers The Void, Acârash is an occult hard rock band that embraces tradition, yet manages to forge a sound all of its own, with its blend of hard rock, doom and…
01. Misled Obedience02. Phantom Graves03. Temple of All04. Lux in Tenebris05. Be None the Wiser06. Rethink07. Psychocision08. Contamination09. The Eliminator10. Seven Lives11. A Cycle s End12. Urgent Since they began flying the flag for German thrash in the 80s ACCUSER have gone on to prove themselves one of the most enduring forces in global metal….
01. Predawn02. Lust for Vengeance03. Unreal Perception04. Arbitrary Law05. Impending Doom06. Tribulation07. Perish by Oblivion08. Fifth Column09. Sulfur Rain10. Flow of Dying From 1986 to 1996, Accu§er was a mainstay within the international metal scene, due to their acclaimed albums Who Dominates Who (1989) and Repent (1992), which demonstrated the Siegen, Germany-based group s undeniable…
01. Mission: Missile02. The Real World03. Solace in Sorrow04. Time for Silence05. My Skin06. Catacombs07. Mourning08. Ruthless09. Into the Black10. The Mastery For the band, The Mastery , is some kind of missing link between the technical virtuosity of an album like Who Dominates Who and the more basic, heavy approach of Repent . Best…
The 11 track offering, which has a June 1st street date, was recorded by Navene Koperweis (Animals As Leaders, Animosity), Zack Alvey, Ethan Erisman and mixed and mastered by Zack Ohren (Immolation, Carnifex). Artwork was provided by Tony Kohl.Sewerborn features 47 minutes of jaw dropping guitar playing, sickening brutality, and an unrelentingly ferocious and horrifying…
Norwegian prog act Airbag releases their fourth album via Karisma Records on June 10th 2016. The new album – titled Disconnected – is the follow-up to the bands critically acclaimed 2013 release ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. The album features six songs with a common theme running through them. From the opening track, ‘Killer’, to…
Norwegian prog act Airbag releases their fourth album via Karisma Records on June 10th 2016. The new album – titled Disconnected – is the follow-up to the bands critically acclaimed 2013 release ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. The album features six songs with a common theme running through them. From the opening track, ‘Killer’, to…
Jewelcase CD One of the most powerful things about the landscape of Oregon is the columbia gorge – enveloped on both sides by two major mountains, barred from each other by a mighty river and a vast expanse of virtually overgrown wilderness. Finding solace from this landscape away from the metropolitan world, Aleynmord set out…